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Tuesday, 10 July 2012

POST | Facts About Music (Part 2)


As I stated earlier in the previous part of this series, satan is using this powerful tool called MUSIC which he mastered while in Heaven, against the advancement of God's Kingdom here on earth. It seems as if he's winning, but I know this is not true. God is still raising men today, (by the grace of God, am one of them).

Now, a lot of "religious" people see some genres of music as evil and of the devil because of the way it's being used in the world today. E.g; Hip hop, rock, etc. Well, I guess it's because it's more of noise than music, but according to these scriptures (Psalms 66:1-2, 95:1-2, 98:4-6) just to mention a few, God also enjoys JOYFUL NOISY MUSIC! That's REAL MUSIC! (*grins*). Am fully persuaded that ALL things (including music of various genres) were created by God and are pure and good. (Rom 14:14). In times past, different styles of music have evolved over time into newer ones, creating entirely new genres of music. But the problem is its usage. If one thinks hip hop and rock can't be used to glorify God, but genres like soul and R n B can, then I wish to inform such persons that there are a lot of soul music and R n B that are not POSITIVE and do not glorify God in any way. Try imagining a wine glass being used to drink hot egusi soup, or using water to fuel your automobile, or washing your mobile phone by immersing it in a bowl of water with detergent. Now you get the gist. It's just a misuse or abuse! (*sighs*). Same with any kind of music. For instance, sex is good! It was created by God for a purpose (to be enjoyed ONLY in the confinement of marriage). But when it is misused or abused, it's no longer sex but either fornication, adultery, homosexuality, incest, rape, etc. The end of such actions are always destructive because of misuse/abuse (Prov 16:25). Now can you see how CONFUSING those analogies are? That is exactly how CONFUSED MUSIC looks, maybe not to you, but to its creator. GOD CREATED MUSIC, SATAN CORRUPTED MUSIC. Music is music, it depends on how you use it. If its use is POSITIVE, its REAL MUSIC. If negative, CONFUSED MUSIC. THERE IS NOTHING LIKE "GOSPEL" MUSIC OR "SECULAR" MUSIC. Music is music, and serves a general purpose, which is BEING POSITIVE. It MUST add something positive to its listener. Even if it's a love song, it should be done from God's perspective because GOD IS REAL and THE WORLD IS CONFUSED! All thanks to Mr. satan. (*frowns and shakes head*).

The truth is; artists involved in CONFUSED MUSIC who sound really good are gifted of God. [James 1:17 (NKJV)]. But the issue is they are not using that gift for its actual purpose (misuse/abuse). If we can critically observe our world today, we should realize that majority of the world's problems are as a result of the kind of music being dwelt on… negative, CONFUSED music. If this world is going to get any better, then we need more positive music, REAL music. Music to encourage, teach, give hope, correct, preach, etc (Psalm 98:1-6, Ecc 7:5 [NKJV], Eph 5:19, Col 3:16, Col 4:6). It must not neccessarily be all preachy or have a "religious" approach all the time, but inspired by God, still carrying a positive message.

If I say "am not a gospel artist", please don't be shocked. Sincerely, I've been working on this article long before Lecrae announced the release of his mixtape, "Church Clothes". So don't think am trying to take sides with him because am his biggest fan, NO! But am happy he poured out what's been on my mind on his mixtape though. Big ups to Lecrae by the way. (*smiles*). In music today, one is known for always singing about money, yet we don't call him/her a money artist. Another always sings about sex, yet we don't call him/her a sex artist. You hear a rap artist always rapping about his "bling bling" and he is known as a rap artist, not a"bling bling" rap artist. But when one sings about the gospel, he/she is called a gospel artist? Same with sports. A lot of devoted Christians are into sports, yet we don't hear of a Christian athlete, or Christian basketball player, or Christian soccer player, etc. Back to music, I believe every artist has something to say. They talk about what they believe and live by on their songs, including Christians. So I don't think the whole "gospel" or "secular" tagging makes any sense, but we can differentiate the REAL ARTIST from the CONFUSED ARTIST. be continued.

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