Uju OkaforA second chance, by the very reason of you being for the most part undeserving of it is a precious thing! The very thought of it has the ability to give one wings to fly above all plaguing doubts and fears. It transcends beyond any former abilities or disabilities, any disappointments or let downs, its just to cut the long story short,
all brand new and shiny.
I imagine all the mistakes I've made in the past and remember all those real corny dramas where the heroine admits to her faults but states; mostly with her chin up; that if she had a do-over she wouldn't change a thing? Of course that always sets me 'awondering' especially if the plot of the film is easy to follow, what would doing things differently really take from those moments, and I realize it would take everything! Nothing and I mean absolutely nothing would remain the same! The battles for sure would change, and at the end isn't that what life is all about,
battles. Sure sometimes I deride the battle aspect of life but no matter how you look at it the bible says clearly;
Blessed be God, my mountain, who trains me to fight fair and well. He’s the bedrock on which I stand, the castle in which I live, my rescuing knight, The high crag where I run for dear life, while he lays my enemies low. (Psalm 144:1, 2 MSG)
And the battles of life are necessary; thank You Lord for the training and getting into the fray for me; if for nothing,
The battle tests who is on my side
The battle tests where my trust lies
The battle tests my preparation
The battle tests my balance and so forth.
So back to second chances, I begin to see that all a second chance really affords us is
hope. One thing persists in all those movies I previously referred to earlier, the heroine is always on a precipice, she's either looking to leave a part of herself behind/ to give up on something really important and then the second chance comes right out of the blue! The joy is unnervingly evident, because a hope is enough to win the battle, simply because, the right hope:
Enables us to look up
Puts things in perspective
Overrides doubts and fears
Brings with it joy (that's our strength right there) and so forth.
This I guess is me trying to pass across that its never really a matter of the mistakes we make but what we do with the second chances that come our way! Cos often times, we're not even bold enough to ask for them, we are on par with thinking that we have lost the battle, but let me just enunciate;
It is foolhardy to throw a battle where the balance has been set in your favor by your Master
Read your bible, our victory is front page news!
About the author:I'm Uju, full name Obianuju N. Okafor, and because it's taking me an inordinate amount of time to write this about me, here are the basics: I love God, I love people; although I'm not "Social" by any standard; currently studying at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka and I aim always to shape life's through my words both written and spoken. Oh, and I'm currently working on a book, but that's a story for another day! :)
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