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Saturday, 28 January 2017

POST | Clever Distractions


Clever distractions are simply what they are...clever distractions! They are clever because they are subtle, sly, cunning, smart, etc. The funny thing about clever distractions are they don't even look like distractions. In fact, most of them appear really good morally, and even spiritually. Yes! That's the danger.

One major clever distraction among believers is being BUSY! Busy doing God's work, ministry, missions, church work & meetings, etc. A few weeks ago, I was listening to a rap song by Andy Mineo titled "Death of Me", and every time I listen to it, these words from the song always hit me deep:

"Jesus retreated to speak with His Father, I know that I need it.
My career been growing, but tell me where I'm going if my time with God is depleted? (Nowhere)
God I'm sorry, I mean it. All I wanna do is walk with you...
But my priority is wrong, I talk about you more than I talk with you!"

Now that's deep! Ministry is good! Working for God is awesome! But WORKING for God comes secondary. WALKING with God is primary! That's the right priority. A lot of us are so bugged down with these clever distractions and are unaware that we are burning out spiritually. We are constantly giving out and not taking in. We spend very little or no time with God trying to do His work (without His wisdom and direction). Sometimes it doesn't work out as planned. Stop! Take care of your spiritual health FIRST!

I remember a friend of mine some years ago who was a leader in church. She told me something that struck me, though I didn't have much understanding then. She complained to me how church work was becoming a stress on her with the numerous meetings and all. Her concern was that she wasn't having time to spend with God and she felt like she was being drained spiritually while working for God. She decided to tell her leaders she can't continue (at least for the time being) just so she can get her spiritual strength back. She wanted to spend more time with God alone without these distractions...clever distractions. If you ask me, it was a very wise decision because it helped her.

Another instance, Nolly of CIA. We were talking a few years ago just when his music career began to boom. He said something that I still hold to heart. That season, he was getting invitations to perform at shows and to get featured on some tracks. He was like the popular demand (still is). Then one particular month, he said he was not gonna accept any invite to perform at any show or to get featured on any song by anyone for that whole month. He said that month was for his personal retreat  to recharge spiritually, spending major time with God studying the Word and praying. He felt like his "Oyel" well was drying up so he had to back out just to refill, so at least he can have some fresh spiritual content to put in songs. I don't need to say anything more, you know how Nolly has grown spiritually over the years, his songs reflect it. In other to refocus and be refreshed, we all need to take a break every once in a while, it's not a sin! Rest is spiritual!

The devil is after our faith as believers. He doesn't mind us doing God's work, ministry, missions, etc., as long as we don't get to spend quality time with God. In God's presence, our faith is built up, our spiritual man is renewed, we are anointed with fresh "OYEL" and power. The devil doesn't want this, so he keeps us very busy with these clever distractions. I won't forget to mention that some church doctrines are also clever distractions, especially most POPULAR DOCTRINES that are not always SOUND DOCTRINES. These doctrines don't magnify Christ and His finished works, but they magnify self, stuff, and other people. As a result, people end up playing church or religion because they have refused to build a real relationship with God by seeking truth for themselves, truth that is CHRIST. Most churches today are filled with many church workers, yet very few have a walk with God. We think we are engaged in some "spiritual" activity, but we lack spiritual sensitivity because we are not in tune with God's heartbeat. Our work for God never affects our walk with God, but our walk with God affects our work for God, because we work for God with the right attitude as a result of our walk with God.

My prayer is that we all are sensitive to these subtle, sly, cunning, smart, CLEVER DISTRACTIONS (relationships, career, business, dreams, ambitions, our past mistakes, present situations/circumstances, the future, friends, social media, naysayers, etc.) that keep us from enjoying God's best and experiencing the fullness of God. Our (good) desires can also be clever distractions. But the Kingdom comes first, and when we delight ourselves in God FIRST, He will grant us the (good) desires of our heart because all our needs are available in a rich relationship with God. However, seeking these needs and (good) desires of our heart independent of God becomes a distraction from God...clever distractions.

Again I will say, working for God is very important, going on missions, doing ministry and other stuff to promote the Kingdom is key, but let's be cautious not to lose sight of the major while focusing on the minor. Walking with God is major. This year, let's avoid every form of distractions and have a more intense #FocusOnChrist.