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Thursday, 13 October 2016
POST | Black, White, And Grey Areas
Friday, 7 October 2016
Post | Preach What You Know!
Before you go about preaching the gospel, you must FIRST learn it, belly it, and live it out! When you get saved and you don't pay attention to biblical teachings, you will end up preaching morality, or even worse, condemnation.
So when you get saved, am I saying you shouldn't preach at all? No! If you must preach, preach ONLY that which you know; I was lost but now I'm found. I was blind but now I can see. I was sick but now I'm healed. I was lame but now I can walk. I was in bondage but now I'm delivered, etc (Luke 8:38 & 39, John 4:28-29,39-42, John 9:11 & 25). This is the gospel that new believers in Christ should preach, testifying of God's goodness and grace upon their lives...cos that's all they know (at least for now).
The gospel should not be preached as a moral code of conduct, it should be preached as THE POWER OF GOD to be believed in (Romans 1:16). Believers are believers basically because they believe! All over scripture, you often hear of believers than Christians, and you hear about we having the promise of eternal life cos we believed, and others (unbelievers) are condemned cos they don't believe (their sin is they don't believe). The gospel is not rules and regulations (Colossians 2:20-23), but a life (the Life of God) at work in anyone who believes. Your lifestyle is a product of your beliefs, so believing the gospel will ALWAYS produce right living in a believer.
P.S: If the gospel you preach doesn't come with power and life but condemnation, then most likely you are yet to be saved, cos your faith isn't focused on Christ's power but self-effort (Galatians 5:4). A believer who is not a life giver (but killer) is not even a believer. You can't give what you don't have (Matthew 12:34, Colossians 2:18&19). If you have the life of Christ, you will give it out effortlessly. If not, it's either you are not saved, ignorant of God's Word, or you got saved for the wrong reasons (e.g fear of hell), and that's not real salvation cos God judges the heart (cos you believe with your heart, and your belief is wrong). So for new believers (especially music artists), take time to learn about the gospel of Christ before you run off preaching what you don't know. All that you know is Jesus saved you and don't be ashamed to let the world know that. Use your life as a testimony of God's grace to reach out to others, cos when they see the change Christ is working in your life, they will give Him glory and be encouraged to believe in Him.